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Update 03/08/2023

As of March 8th, 2023 we have raised a total of  $15,170!

With the $15,000 we will now be able to fully support a church plant and a new to be dug. We are working on getting more information and will provide an update when we have made the final arrgaments with “Hand of Hope – Well of Life”.


Update 02/24/2023

As of February 24th , 2023 we have raised a total of $14,360!

We have been blessed with far surpressing our $5,000 goal. We will now are working towrds a new goal of $15,000. By reach the new goal will will not only fund a well, but also fun a church plant that will be buiult next to well. 



Update: 01/25/2023

As of January 25th, 2023 we have raised a total of $3,630


Help the church as we partner with “Hand of Hope – Well of Life”. Our goal is to raise $5,000 for a new well to be installed in a developing country.  

The well brings thousands of unbelievers to the adjacent church creating a wide-open door for us to meet their spiritual needs along with their physical ones.

Hundreds of communities and tens of thousands of lives have been transformed through these projects, and you can help change even more!