Hamilton Wesleyan Church Family
A few years ago we ordered shirts with the church name and logo on them. We thought there might be new people who would like to have a shirt or people who had one before that want or need a new size or color. This is short notice because we would like to get them by Summer fest but if you would like to order one and get it by the 21st, then you would need to bring the money and order to church this Sunday. We will have a Grey one, Tennessee orange or Heather coral. Womens sizes are available in the coral for sure and possibly the orange. The cost of the shirt will be $12 for XL and under sizes and $14 for 2X and $16 for 3X. Kids sizes area available in all three colors in Sm., Med., or Lg for $10. Please write down your order and get your money to Kim, Cody or Carol by Sunday, the 16th, so we can get the order turned in on Monday. We will be able to place an order again in early October if you want to purchase one but do not have the money now. They will be here in time for Fall Festival, October 31.