If you have never visited this church before we understand that you may be a bit apprehensive. That’s totally normal. Visiting a church can feel intimidating. We would like to make your experience here as comfortable as possible. 

You will discover a group of warm, friendly people. You may spot a friend or two from school, work, the ball field or just around town.  We are real people who are doing life together as followers of Jesus Christ. We don’t claim to have things all figured out, but like the apostle Paul before us we can honestly say: “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” (Philippians 3:12)



When you come to the door you’ll get a heartfelt greeting. We are so glad you’ve chosen to visit Hamilton Wesleyan. No matter what question you might have, just ask. Our greeters, at the door, are there to help you get settled and comfortable.


You’ll find face masks and hand sanitizer provided at the Visitor Center if you wish. We also provide additional information regarding the church and our host/hostess are happy to assist you as necessary. If you’re a first-time visitor, they will also have a gift for you. If you choose to share contact information with us, you’ll find a card to do this in the visitor gift bag. Please drop the card in the offering or return it to the host/hostess.


There’s nothing like a warm cup of coffee or a cookie to relieve some of the stress of a new experience. You’ll find Coffee available on the right as you enter. It’s free and a simple serve yourself arrangement. On many Sundays there are also cookies provided.


There are three restrooms available on the left as you enter the church. The first is handicapped equipped. The Ladies’ Room is on the end, opposite the church office.


You’ll find we’re pretty simple, casual folks. We believe that people thrive in relationships, so we want the church to be a place where friendships can form. When you visit, please dress comfortably – we value you, not what you wear!


Our goal is to provide a safe and excellent environment for children. Children join in the worship service until the sermon and then are dismissed to their own Children’s Church downstairs. Of course, you are welcome to keep your children with you if desired.

Note that if you have babies, there is a Cryer’s room at the back of the sanctuary if needed.


When we gather on Sunday mornings, we want to express our faith and love for God through song, testimony, prayer, giving and learning. You’ll find that our music is a blend of traditional and contemporary songs. Our worship band is a group of faithful volunteers who love God and are using their talents to serve.  They lead us in a positive expression of praise and worship. You’ll also hear folks sharing from their own life stories or reading the words of scripture. The teaching is bible-based and application-oriented.  Messages are designed to impact what we know, how we feel, and what we do.  We want to grow in faith, in knowledge, and each come to know Jesus in a personal way.