We begin our series How Happiness Happens. This week lays the foundation and the key thing to keep in mind is that (as with so much in scripture) we experience happiness best and most when we give it away. Hence the reason for looking at the one another passages in scripture all through the series. There are well over 50 times where the phrase one another is used in the New Testament. Many times its used in Paul’s letters to the churches. For example, you’ll find instructions to love one another, serve one another, encourage one another, speak to one another, have the same mind to one another, greet one another, care for one another … and on and on. My premise (and Max Lucado’s) is that its in giving that we receive and the joy we’re looking for is received when we do what scripture calls us to do … for one another. This week we set up the series and in the coming weeks we will look at a different one another statement each week.